"Gross title"
"Okay being totally serious this is my favorite book, it gets a little intese and kinda fucked up but best horror book ive read"
"Just fun to learn"
"Best book to read for any athlete that wants to be better."
"Doing stand up can feel like shit and you think jesus christ what am I doing?! This book made me feel like 10% about my life choices so i recomend to all funny people"
"If you are gonna read any Neil DeGrasse Tyson book, this is the only one you need to read. I found his other books overlap in "subject matter", out of all his books this is the most friendly to people who dont know anything about anything"
"Pretty sweet cuz they use diagram to explain stuff, definetly a harder read and I had to reread the earlier chapter as it the concepts build throughout the book"
"If you're gonna do something might as well be educated"